Open Doors
Meet Pushpa Kulkarni

Ana Carolina González-Peña • August 08, 2024
“I first came to Princeton in 2004 from South Africa, where I had been teaching mathematics. My journey began when my son, a professor at Princeton, needed help with his three young children. I packed up and left South Africa to take care of my great-grandchildren. My husband, who was a professor in upstate New York at SUNY, always encouraged me to pursue my education. After raising my children, I went back to school and earned my master’s degree in mathematics.
My life has taken me from India to South Africa, and even to Nepal, where I taught English and mathematics. The children there called me ‘American mom,’ and I helped finance their education. Seeing them succeed and become doctors and teachers is one of my greatest joys. When I arrived in Princeton, I lived with my son until his children went to college. Then, I bought my own apartment near the Suzanne Patterson Building.
I joined the Center for Modern Aging a year after moving here. The first program I participated in was ‘Let’s Talk,’ and I’ve been involved ever since. What I love most about the Center is its inclusivity. Unlike other senior centers that restrict membership based on residence, Princeton’s center welcomes everyone. It’s a place where I’ve found community and belonging. My only suggestion for improvement is to keep doing what they’re doing — creating an open and welcoming environment for all older adults.”