Want to give back?
As a nonprofit organization, we deeply value all the support we receive and are prepared to ask for it openly. Eighty percent of our total operating budget comes from individual donors, annual sponsors, and grantors. We rely on them to provide meaningful programs, activities, and resources to the older adult community in the greater Princeton area and beyond. Every dollar counts. These older adults have been there for all of us. Please help us continue to be there for them. Contribute what you can.

Make a difference today
Your donation enables us to offer a wide range of social services, lifelong learning classes and programs, and exercise classes and activities for all older adults aged fifty-five and above.
Can’t give what you want all at once?
Spread out your donation over the course of the year by making a monthly commitment of whatever amount you choose.
Your $10 monthly donation will grow to $120 in one year through our recurring gift option.
Click below and select "recurring donation." You may also contact Cheryl Gomes at 609.751.9699, ext. 108, or
by email at cgomes@cmaprinceton.org, for more information.
Want to honor a special person or event?
Let us know who you want the donation made in honor of and we will send an acknowledgement to the individual, family, or organization.
Click below and check "Dedicate my donation..."
Leave a lasting legacy
If you have included CMAP in your estate planning, thank you! Please let us know so we can enroll you in the Jocelyn and Carl Helm Legacy Society. If you would like more information about how to make a bequest to CMAP, please contact Lisa Adler at 609.751.9699, ext. 103, or by email at ladler@cmaprinceton.org.
Our sponsors create a significant impact
For more details on becoming an annual sponsor or event sponsor, contact Lisa Adler, chief development officer, at 609.751.9699, ext. 103, or by email at ladler@cmaprinceton.org.
Sustain our mission
CMAP has two endowments: the General Endowment and the Lifelong Learning Endowment. Donating to these funds sustains CMAP for the long-term—supporting growth of programs and infrastructure.
If you would like more information about donating to our endowments,
please contact Lisa Adler at 609.751.9699, ext. 103, or by email at ladler@princetonsenior.org.
Maximize impact, maximize taxes
Individuals who have reached age 70½ may donate up to $100,000 to charitable organizations directly from their Individual Retirement Account (IRA), without treating the distribution as taxable income. If you are seventy-three or older you have a (RMD) required minimum distribution, which is tax-free as well. Please consult your financial advisor if you have questions.
Donations can be made online, by phone, in person, or by mail
For one-time or recurring donations to the annual fund, please call Cheryl Gomes at 609.751.9699
For bequests, stock transfers, IRA distributions, and planned giving, please call Lisa Adler at 609.751.9699, ext. 103.
In Person
Donations may be dropped off at the Nancy S. Klath Center for Lifelong Learning located at: 101 Poor Farm Rd., Princeton, NJ 08540
By Mail
Send payments to CMAP, 101 Poor Farm Rd., Building B, Princeton, NJ 08540. If you are making a donation in memory or honor of someone, please provide the name of the honoree and the name/address for acknowledgment.
Explore alternative ways to support CMAP
Donate your car or boat • Bring in your McCaffrey’s receipts — we get one percent of the receipt total.
Contact Lisa Adler, chief development officer, at 609.751.9699, ext. 103, or by email at ladler@cmaprinceton.org.